I promise I'll continue the saga of Mr. Right #1, cause it ended up being 2 years of my life kind of saga.
But I just got a complete blast from the past which prompted me to post a little bit of my non hockey indiscretions. I mentioned before that I've had a few flings with rock stars as well. Well my personal favorite of these flings calls me when he's within a 100 miles radius of my city. I swear to the heavens, he so much as finds out he's going to be anywhere near me and buzz buzz buzz, he's blowing me up. You'd think that hooking up with a rock star would be a one night stand and initially that's all I was planning on having it be. But sometimes one night stands, turn into 3 day sex benders when the only time you emerge from the hotel suite is to ask his assistant to grab something from your car or run down to 711 for another pack of cigs and a box of condoms. Am I proud of this, absolutely not. Am I ashamed of this, fuck no. I've had sex with said RS (rock star) in 7 different states and 3 different countries. I've been put on countless red-eye flights from ____ to____to_____to_____ because I have dick sucking lips and RS is "lonely" or "horny as fuck". I'm not ashamed to admit any of this; because at some point it became we're together when we're together and we're apart when we're apart. I don't know how it works, it just does.
Moral of this posting is because RS just had his assistant book a flight for me in a few hours because he's within 1 hour (flying time) of my city. I am not a whore or a slut and I justify this because at some point feelings became involved, I like to have fun and lets face it I like the way he plays me better than the instrument he's famous for.
For me, rock star sex has been just that. Rock Star...
I'm loving your blog! It's nice to hear the other side of the story for once... hope you post more! I can't wait to hear more of Mr.Right #1